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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > selections > Alle Events

Alle Events am Wednesday, 22.02.2023

Wednesday, 22.02.2023

22.02.2023, 13:30 - 23.02.2023, 16:00

Paper(s) as epistemic carrier of knowledge

While we can strongly doubt that paper is disappearing from our lives, we should ask all the more how its character is changing, particularly also given how its very material basis is increasingly challenged by media ecological disturbances in its logistic chains. The workshop aims to discuss these issues in a historical perspective – i.e. discuss what it means and meant, to think with and on paper.

Deutsches Museum, Munich, Museumsinsel 1, Kerschensteiner Kolleg

Daniela Zetti: daniela.zetti@tum.de, Michael Friedman: friedmanm@tauex.tau.ac.il

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