Alle Events am Tuesday, 08.03.2022
Dienstag, 08.03.2022
Jeden 2., 3. und 4. Dienstag und Donnerstag im Monat März; 10:00 - 16:05
Infosession zur Wohnungssuche/ Looking for Accommodation
The speech on 08.03.,15.03. and 22.03. are held in English
The speech on 10.03.,17.03. and 24.03. are held in German
Chiu-Li Tseng
08.03.2022, 14:00 - 16:30
XR Roundtable: Challenges & Chances in Higher Education
XR technologies are enjoying increasing interest. At this roundtable, TUM experts will share their projects and visions with you. Giving you the possibility to connect with others exchanging ideas. An opportunity to learn and discuss how XR applications reinforce education and training. An opportunity to reflect with interdisciplinary experts on AR-VR as a malleable technology and to connect with other scientists and researchers.
Michael Höhne