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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

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Weekend at Bodensee
meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead costs: 65.00€ number of participants: 44 registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
Almbachklamm Hike (Salzburg)
costs: 12.50€ number of participants: 32 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
Brewery Erdinger
costs: 7.00€ number of participants: 22 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
Pinakothek der Moderne
costs: 4.00€ number of participants: 23 registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead
Termin 16.09.2016
Night of Museums
costs: 10.00€ number of participants: 18 registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead
Termin 16.09.2016
Höllentalklamm Hike
costs: 10.00€ number of participants: 27 registration: at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend: Japan
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
Brewery Erdinger II
costs: 6.00€ number of participants: 20 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
TalkTUMi – Language Café
costs: none meeting point: StuCafé next to the Audimax, TUM Main Campus time: Wednesdays 4-6pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
Museum Neue Pinakothek
costs: 1.00€ number of participants: 18 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 12.00€ number of participants: 26 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend: Australien
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
Rothenburg ob der Tauber
costs: 8.00€ number of participants: 31 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
TUMi Länderabend: Italien
costs: none meeting point: KHG Building, Karlstrasse 32 (U2 Königsplatz) time: Mondays 7-10pm number of participants: open
Termin 16.09.2016
costs: 7.00€ number of participants: 31 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
Neuschwanstein III
costs: 20.00€ number of participants: 31 meeting point: will be responded to in a personal e-mail one day ahead registration: reserve a seat online and pay within one week at TUMinternational office, room 0185, TUM Main Campus
Termin 16.09.2016
Beginn der Bewerbung Didaktikfach Grund- und Hauptschule Termin 29.08.2013
Wohnungssuche in Garching/München, 2 Personen Nachricht 01.08.2018
Datum / date: 09.10.2010 Treffpunkt / meeting point: vor dem Audimax / in front of Audimax Uhrzeit / time: 9.00 Uhr Kosten / costs: 10€ Kaution / 10€ deposit Max. Teilnehmerzahl / max number of participants: 12 Anmeldung / registration: Online und Bezahlung im Tumi Büro /online with payment in TUMi Office Tutoren / tutors: Maria P.
Termin 01.12.2011
Kulturkurs Deutschland
Datum / date: 13.10.2010 Treffpunkt / meeting point: Raum 0602 / room 0602 Uhrzeit / time: 10.00 Uhr Kosten / costs: keine / none Max. Teilnehmerzahl / max number of participants: 100 Anmeldung / registration: Online Tutoren / tutors: keine / none
Termin 01.12.2011
Assistant/s Event Management (40,1 h)
Die TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt befristet auf zwei Jahre eine/n Vollzeit- bzw. zwei Teilzeitmitarbeiter/innen für die Assistant/s Event Management (40,1 h).
Nachricht 08.05.2017
Das Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München sucht zum 1.3.2013 oder später eine/n Diplomregistrar/in in Vollzeittätigkeit (Eingruppierung E9 TV-L).Das Architekturmuseum der TU München besitzt eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Architekturplänen, Zeichnungen und Modellen. Im Rahmen des Ausstellungsbetriebes bieten wir Ihnen eine interessante und vielfältige Tätigkeit in einem hoch motivierten Team.
Nachricht 28.11.2012
Studentische Hilfskräfte für den IT-Bereich
Die TUM Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft sucht ab sofort 2 Hilfskräfte zur Unterstützung des IT-Betriebes.
Nachricht 29.11.2012
(Senior) DevOps Engineer (f/m)
At appliedAI, we tackle the largest AI-challenges by applying the latest artificial intelligence technology to real use cases. appliedAI is already the largest AI Initiative in Europe and we are aiming to lift all of Germany to the AI age. Our Engineering Team is supported and works closely with our partner tech-companies (e.g. Google, NVIDIA, Cisco, Pure Storage, Arista, and others) across the stack on challenging problems. appliedAI is part of the UnternehmerTUM ecosystem. UnternehmerTUM is one of the largest innovation centers in Europe and non-profit. As a neutral platform for entrepreneurship and innovation, more than 200 employees serve more than 2500 individuals, >100 startups, and >100 companies per year. We are looking for a DevOps Engineer to help our AI Engineering team transform the AI strategy of our partner companies. Each project can last from 3-12 months and be on a variety of topics. Together with our team of AI and Software Engineers, you will work continuously on improving our development lifecycle. With the team, you will be responsible to build up our AI-Software Development Infrastructure across all layers. You will care for operating Machine-Learning clusters, automating workloads, building up software/process management infrastructure, data pipelines, cloud solutions and drive automation. You will work as part of the engineering team with other DevOps. Candidates should have experience in building and maintaining software infrastructure, above average communication skills and a willingness to learn new skills. It would be advantageous to have a good understanding of business. As a DevOps engineer, you would be expected to take a lead role in supporting our home-grown state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Nachricht 27.12.2018
Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) Controlling (SAP S/4HANA)
Für das Hochschulreferat 1 "Controlling-Organisation-Planung" suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine:n kompetente:n und hochmotivierte:n Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) in Vollzeittätigkeit für das interessante und vielseitige Aufgabengebiet Controlling (SAP S/4HANA).
Nachricht 01.02.2024
Professor in » Astrodynamics « Nachricht 02.02.2024
fortiss is a non-profit research-and-transfer organization and an An-Institut of the Technical University of Munich with main focus on Software, Systems and Service Engineering for software-intensive systems.
Nachricht 16.04.2018
TUM Entrepreneurship Day Termin 12.12.2017
Referent(in) Europa (100%)
Im International Center der Technischen Universität München ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Stelle als Referent(in) Europa (100%), in Vertretung, befristet für ein Jahr, zu besetzen. Wir suchen eine vielseitige Persönlichkeit als Ergänzung eines dynamischen und multikulturellen Teams. Der Arbeitsschwerpunkt liegt in der strategischen Betreuung von Hochschulpartnerschaften.
Nachricht 18.12.2017
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter mit Möglichkeit zur Promotion
Am Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenzüchtung im Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt der Technischen Universität München ist ab sofort eine Stelle für eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (TV-L Entgeltgruppe 13; 65 %) zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist befristet auf drei Jahre und bietet die Möglichkeit zur Promotion.
Nachricht 30.05.2011
Full-time position as research assistant, PhD position
The chair in nondestructive testing (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Civil Engineering) at the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, offers a full-time position as research assistant starting from 1st of August 2011 or later. Your task area comprises the assistance in research and teaching. In the beginning your main responsibility is in the field of academic teaching (teaching assistant) in the new degree course “Engineering Science” at the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) at the Technische Universität München. Your area of research consists of experimental testing in the field of material characterization and nondestructive testing (Ultrasound, Acoustic Emission Testing, RADAR, Infrared Thermography, Eddy Current etc.) that thematically offers the potential to receive a PhD.
Nachricht 13.07.2011
Systemadministrator/in (m/w/d) (Fachausbildung)
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir am Standort Garching bei München einen nichtwissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) als Systemadministrator/in (Fachausbildung).
Nachricht 30.09.2019
RAN an die TUM Perspektive Studium: Nachwachsende Rohstoffe - von der Pflanze zur Nutzung. Die Studiengänge am TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit Termin 30.09.2019
Course Management (w/m/d)
Die TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt - auf zwei Jahre befristet – in Vollzeit (Teilzeit ist grundsätzlich möglich) für den Aufgabenbe-reich
Nachricht 30.09.2019
Wissenschaftliches Personal: PhD position at Technical University of Munich to work for ALICE Collaboration
Our Group at the Technische Universität München (TUM) (https://www.denseandstrange.ph.tum.de/) studies the properties of hadronic interactions and their implications for astro-particle physics by means of accelerator experiments. One of the indirect ways to search for dark matter (𝜒) is to look for 𝜒𝜒̅ annihilations resulting in final states such as 𝑝𝑝̅,𝑒+𝑒−,𝑑𝑑̅…with spectrometers placed on satellites or balloons. In particular, low energy 𝑑̅ seem to be optimal candidates for such searches, since cosmic ray-induced background does not contribute too much to this final state. In order to estimate a reliable detection probability of dark matter-induced events such as 𝜒𝜒̅⟶𝑑𝑑̅+ .., the interaction probability of 𝑑̅ with normal nuclear matter must be measured. Indeed, the latter drives the detection probability of antiparticles in the spectrometers; however 𝑑̅+𝐴 (𝐴=𝐶,𝐴𝑙,𝑆𝑖..) elastic and inelastic cross-sections for low energies are completely unknown. The topic of the here advertised PhD deals with the measurement of these interactions using the ALICE detector at the LHC. This is possible by analyzing pp collisions at √𝑠=13 𝑇𝑒𝑉 measured by ALICE, since in these collisions a large statistics of 𝑝̅ and 𝑑̅ is produced and their interaction with the detector material can be investigated. The PhD work will be structured in the following way: • Analysis of the inclusive momentum spectra for 𝑝̅ and 𝑑̅ in pp collisions at √𝑠=13 𝑇𝑒𝑉 • Development of a tracking algorithm to tag annihilation events of 𝑝̅ and 𝑑̅ within the ALICE TPC detector • Evaluation of the effective 𝑑̅+𝐴 (𝐴=𝐶,𝑂..) inelastic cross-sections • Estimation of the 𝑑̅ rates expected for different dark matter models in current and future satellite experiments. Candidates are expected to hold a master degree in particle or nuclear physics at the time of appointment. Programming experience in C++ is highly recommended and experience with data analysis in ALICE Collaboration is an advantage. Good communication skills (English) and readiness to travel to international conferences are mandatory. Several weeks of presence at CERN are planned for service tasks within ALICE Collaboration and for taking shifts in the ALICE control room during Run 3 data taking period. Applications including a CV (containing a brief summary of previous research activities and a one-page letter of motivation), a copy of the master certificate, copies of the university scores, as well as two letters of recommendation should be sent to Prof. Dr. Laura Fabbietti (laura.fabbietti@ph.tum.de). The position will be located at Physics Department of Technical University of Munich. The expected duration of the PhD program is three years, starting in July or August 2019. The salary is according to the German public service pay agreement (TV-L E13 65%). Our university group is supported by an ERC Starting Grant, the SFB1258, the BmBf and the Excellence Cluster ‘ORIGINS’. The application deadline is the 15th of May 2019.
Nachricht 15.03.2019
1-2 Zimmer Wohnung für Studentin
Hallo! Ich bin Amalia (w23) und ich ziehe nach Freising am 01.10.17 zu studieren. Ich mache ein Master an der Weihenstephan Campus der TUM und suche eine schöne 1-2 Zimmer möblierte Wohnung mit Einbauküche (Warmmiete von ca. 600 eur.). Ich bin sehr ordentlich und ruhig. Über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme freue ich mir sehr.
Nachricht 01.09.2017
Quality Management (20,05 h)
Die TUM School of Management der Technischen Universität München sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt– auf zwei Jahre befristet – eine/n Teilzeitmitarbeiter/in für den Aufgabenbereich Quality Management (20,05 h).
Nachricht 20.07.2017
1 | ... | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | ... | 1226 Die nächsten 40 Artikel

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