Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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Scientific machine learning through physics-informed neural networks
We are seeking a highly motivated student to develop a novel framework for Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) that overcomes current limitations.
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Kontakt: tanmay.goyal@tum.de
Spatiotemporal Interpolation and Fusion of High-Resolution Satellite Data for Urban Area
This project aims to concentrate on interpolating the missing spatiotemporal data for high-resolution satellite data and explore ways to merge vegetation indices derived from high-resolution satellite data with other lower-resolution satellite datasets.
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Kontakt: junwei.li@tum.de
Bachelor's Thesis - Imaging Positronium by Coincident Gamma Detection
Positronium (Ps) is the bound state of an electron and its antiparticle, the positron. It can be emitted from the surface of a solid sample when bombarded with slow positrons. Due to its simplicity, Ps is used in many investigations of fundamental physics including QED and matter/antimatter symmetry. These applications require a large number of Ps atoms with a controllable kinetic energy. Achieving this remains an active field of research.
This project will investigate the energy distribution of Ps emitted from different sample surfaces. Pixelated scintillation detectors will be used to image the annihilation radiation from Ps as it travels away from the sample surface in vacuum. Since the lifetime of Ps in vacuum is know (142 ns) the Ps velocity distribution can be calculated. The work will include the design of a new, heated sample holder and surrounding vacuum components and measurements using a pair of pixelated scintillation detectors. The project is carried out within the TUM research group Physics with Positrons.
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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de
Bachelor's Thesis - Imaging Positronium with a Collimated Height-Adjustable Detector
Positronium (Ps) is the bound state of an electron and its antiparticle, the positron. It can be emitted from the surface of a solid sample when bombarded with slow positrons. Due to its simplicity, Ps is used in many investigations of fundamental physics including QED and matter/antimatter symmetry. These applications require a large number of Ps atoms with a controllable kinetic energy. Achieving this remains an active field of research.
This project will investigate the energy distribution of Ps emitted from different sample surfaces. A collimator and a germanium detector will provide height dependent measurements of the annihilation radiation from Ps as it travels away from the sample surface in vacuum. Since the lifetime of Ps in vacuum is know (142 ns) the Ps velocity distribution can be calculated. The work will involve the design of the detector and collimator setup including making and analysing experimental measurements. The project is carried out within the TUM research group Physics with Positrons.
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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de
Master's Thesis - Electrostatic Positron Beam Guiding
The mono-energetic positron beam at TUM allows state-of-the-art depth dependent measurements of open void defects and chemical composition by measuring the Doppler broadening of the 511 keV annihilation line as well as investigation of the formation of positronium. In the current experimental setup, magnetic fields guide the positron beam and an increase in the field strength provides focusing onto a sample surface. However, the presence of a magnetic field at the sample location is not necessarily desirable, since it can limit the sample geometry and material. Furthermore, in cases where positronium is studied, the magnetic field can complicate data analysis since it can suppress positronium formation.
To address this issue, this project will replace the existing magnetic focusing with an electrostatic focusing system. The work will involve design and simulation of a new electrostatic lens and magnetic field termination and will include initial experimental benchmarking of the constructed setup. The project is carried out within the TUM research group Physics with Positrons.
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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de
Master / Bachelor Thesis: Control Strategy for Energy Management Systems for Commercial electrical Energy Systems
In this thesis, it is investigated how an energy management system should be structured so that it can serve different use cases simultaneously or consecutively.
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Kontakt: a.hirnet@sonnen.de
Master thesis: Robust Mechanism Design
The traditional approach on mechanism design is to assume that all uncertanity can be modelled by a probabilistic belief, which is common knowledge to all participants. We relax this assumption and look for a mechanism which performs well under ambiguity.
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Kontakt: halil.bayrak@tum.de
Embedded System für Robot Vision Anwendungen (BA/MA)
In dieser Arbeit soll ein Embedded Vision System für Robotikanwendungen aufgebaut werden. Dabei kommt eine kompakte und leistungsfähige 3D Kamera sowie ein Embedded Board mit GPU zum Einsatz. Nach Aufbau und Einarbeitung in das System sollen Vision-Algorithmen für die GPU angepasst, entwickelt und auf dem Board implementiert werden. Dabei geht es vorrangig um Verfahren zum Tracking und zur Lageschätzung (6D Pose estimation).
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Kontakt: jobs@visevi.com