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Technical University of Munich


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Sitemap > Bulletin Board > Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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Student Theses and Projects: Co-Creating Innovation: Success Factors and Challenges in GovTech Accelerators

This thesis explores the role of GovTech incubators in driving digital transformation in the public sector by analyzing success factors in the co-creation process between startups and government partners. Through qualitative interviews with experts, it aims to contextualize the dynamics of GovTech ecosystems and the challenges they face in aligning innovation with public value.
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Kontakt: lukas.dassler@tum.de

Master's thesis: Artificial curiosity using deep neural networks for audio analysis

The Chair of Health Informatics (CHI) (https://www.kiinformatik.mri.tum.de/de/lehrstuhle/chair-health-informatics) is offering a master's thesis on the topic of **Artificial curiosity using deep neural networks for audio analysis**
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Kontakt: andreas.triantafyllopoulos@tum.de


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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de

[Master Thesis] Parallel elastic actuator for efficient manipulation

Application deadline: October 20, 2024

Task of this thesis is development of Perallel Elastic Actuator for experimentation and application of novel control framework exploiting actuator intrinsic elasticities.

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Kontakt: vasilije.rakcevic@tum.de

Flexible Abschlussarbeit zu (nachhaltigen) Kaufentscheidungen im Bauwesen: Gestaltung und Durchführung von In-Depth-Interviews mit Bauherr*innen und Renovierenden

Das Fachgebiet Marketing und Management Nachwachsender Rohstoffe (https://mnr.cs.tum.de/) am TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit hat folgende Abschlussarbeit zu vergeben:

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Kontakt: sebastian.gruendig@hswt.de

Development and Automation of a Highly Sensitive Plasmonic Nanosensor Platform (Master Thesis)

We, the NanoPROBELab from Helmholtz Munich, are seeking an independent student with a chemistry background, interested in nanoparticle chemistry, lab automation, and streamlining processes. Proficiency in English and basic Python skills required. The project revolves around automization of palsmonic nanomaterial synthesis using a state of the art liquid handling robot.

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Kontakt: moritz.schepp@helmholtz-munich.de

Master’s thesis: AI based Cochlear Implant Insertion Depth Estimation

Cochlear implants (CIs) are effective neuroprostheses for patients with hearing loss. Knowing the position of CI electrodes can improve the hearing outcome for the patient. In this project, you will implement and test different deep learning techniques in an explorative dataset to estimate cochlear implant electrode insertion depth based on CT scans and impedance recordings from the cochlear implant.
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Kontakt: wilhelm.wimmer@tum.de

β-citrylglutamate, RIMKLB, NAALAD2 and ABCC5: Information on a pathway that is linked to exercise (BSc)

In our research, we noted that β-citrylglutamate, RIMKLB, NAALAD2 and ABCC5 is linked to exercise. The aim of this project is to describe the knowledge today and β-citrylglutamate and the genes mentioned.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Adaptation of white and brown adipose tissue to exercise (BSc)

Exercise causes adaptations not only in skeletal muscle but also in many other organs. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of exercise on white and brown adipose tissue. In addition, you should review the mechanisms by which exercise affects white and brown adipose tissue.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

BCAAs: good or bad? (BSc)

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a supplement for bodybuilders. However, BCAAs are also risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The aim of this project is to summarise the positive and negative associations and effects of BCAAs.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

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