Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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MSc thesis: Laplace Approximation for Computer Vision
For details, see the attached file.
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Kontakt: alexej.klushyn@airbus.com
Development of an ICU training simulation with integrated real-patient data
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, luisa.theelke@tum.de
Bridging the Domain Gap: Rendering and Testing Synthetic Training Data for Artifical Intelligence in the Operation Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, shiyu.li@tum.de
Neural 3D Reconstruction Real-time Streaming to VR for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, hannah.schieber@tum.de
Sparse Camera Gaussian Splatting for Challenging (Operating Room) Scenes
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hannah.schieber@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Neural 3D Reconstruction and Region of Interest Real-time Speedup for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, hannah.schieber@tum.de
Deep fusion for Multiple-view 6D pose estimation in the Operating Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, shiyu.li@tum.de
Face Anonymization and Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hannah.schieber@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Development of an ICU training simulation with integrated real-patient data
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, luisa.theelke@tum.de
From virtual to augmented reality: Enhancing ICU Alarm Interfaces for Improved Medical Monitoring
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: luisa.theelke@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de