Master thesis: Robust Mechanism Design
17.08.2023, Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
The traditional approach on mechanism design is to assume that all uncertanity can be modelled by a probabilistic belief, which is common knowledge to all participants. We relax this assumption and look for a mechanism which performs well under ambiguity.
The traditional approach on mechanism design is to assume that all uncertanity can be modelled by a probabilistic belief, which is common knowledge to all participants. We relax this assumption and look for a mechanism which performs well under ambiguity.
Literature review on Robust mechanism design: Carroll, G. (2019). Robustness in mechanism design and contracting. Annual Review of Economics, 11, 139-166.
Related work: Bayrak, H. I., Koçyiğit, Ç., Kuhn, D., & Pınar, M. C. (2022). Distributionally robust optimal allocation with costly verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.15122.
- Linear programming (Operations Research)
- Auction design (Game Theory)
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