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IBM signs contract with TUM and SAP to support operations at University Competence Center at TUM

Prof. Helmut Krcmar at the opening event in Walldorf / SAP

10.09.2010, Press releases

IBM, together with SAP University Alliances, supports students accessing the latest software, hardware and ERP training concepts through the Technische Universitaet Muenchen

The University Competence Center (UCC) at Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), located in Germany, supports more than 28,000 students at 114 universities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) as an education service provider for the SAP® University Alliances program. As the UCC’s new strategic technology partner, IBM (NYSE:IBM) will be supporting the operation of the IT service center jointly with SAP AG (NYSE: SAP).

The UCC at TUM is one of two centers that offer affiliated universities and other educational institutions and their students throughout EMEA access to SAP applications and services for their respective research and teaching assignments. As a strategic SAP technology partner, IBM will provide long-term support for the UCC’s range of services with its products and services.

“With our commitment and involvement in the center at TUM, we are further extending and intensifying our excellent collaboration with SAP while at the same time aiming to strengthen our presence in the university sector,” said Martin Arnoldy, responsible for business development in the partnership with SAP at IBM. “Our partnership with the UCC is an investment in the excellence of student education, and it helps ensure that students throughout EMEA have access to the latest software, hardware and ERP training concepts.” IBM provides the UCC with modern high-performance servers from its latest POWER generation series, along with software and services, and training on subjects such as its DB2 database.

“The purpose of our University Competence Centers is to support students’ learning experiences, to enhance the skills of professors and lecturers, and to support research, seminars and projects using SAP software,” said Heino Schrader, director of SAP University Alliances EMEA. “IBM joining us with its innovative technologies is a gain for the UCC. Their involvement will help to see that SAP solutions continue to run powerfully and are managed cost-effectively based on the latest high-end server technology.”

The migration to the latest IBM server generation will enable the center to save up to 60 percent on electricity. The new partnership with the UCC at TUM will provide suitable rooms and infrastructure, along with personnel to set up the service center for the affiliated educational institutions and run it on a long-term basis.

“With IBM’s generous support, the UCC at TUM will continue to provide excellent service to our higher education partners in EMEA,” said Professor Helmut Krcmar, academic director of SAP UCC TUM and chair for Information Systems at Technische Universitaet Muenchen. “Through this support, we look forward to achieving lowered energy and space requirements in operations and expanded research opportunities in business and information systems engineering.”

In addition, innovative technological concepts, including green IT and cloud computing, will be developed further at a test center housed at the UCC.

Further information for journalists:

Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Corporate Corporations Center
Dr. Ulrich Marsch
Tel.: +49 89 289 22778
E-Mail: marsch@zv.tum.de

IBM Deutschland GmbH
External Relations
Christiane Schütz
Tel.: +49 7034 15 1928
E-Mail: schuetz_christiane@de.ibm.com

Kontakt: presse@tum.de

More Information

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