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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


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Sitemap > Jobs und Stellenangebote > Wissenschaftliches Personal

Wissenschaftliches Personal

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Science Manager TUM.Additive (m/w/d)

Die Technische Universität München sucht im Rahmen des weiteren Ausbaus des Mission Networks TUM.Additive zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt Science Manager TUM.Additive (m/w/d)
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Kontakt: application.mat@ed.tum.de

PostDoc position - AI in Healthcare and Medicine

We are recruiting a post-doc for a number of projects focusing on (1) foundational AI models that integrate multimodal patient data (imaging, sensing, omics, clinical, lifestyle, and environmental inromation), (2) combining AI models with biophysical and physiological models and domain-specific clinical knowledge to enable more accurate and interpretable modelling and understanding of health & disease, (3) developing reliable & privacy-preserving AI methods that are secure, fair and responsible.
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Kontakt: Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Simone Gehrer for any questions you may have.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/Doktorand (m/w/d) mit dem Arbeitsschwerpunkt Verfahrenstechnik der Wasseraufbereitung (Simulation und Experiment)

Der Lehrstuhl für Systemverfahrenstechnik der Technischen Universität München (Standort Freising, School of Life Sciences) sucht zum Herbst 2024 einen wiss. Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) mit dem Arbeitsschwerpunkt Wasseraufbereitung (Numerische und experimentelle Simulation von Fouling- und Scaling in Umkehrosmoseprozessen
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Kontakt: svt-jobs@wzw.tum.de

PhD student (f/m/d) on the emergent topic of immunomechanics

This exciting project focuses on the emergent topic of immunomechanics. We are interested in understanding how the mechanical microenvironment of the airways impact macrophage behavior and responses to air pollution in health and disease.
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Kontakt: Dr. Janna Nawroth - janna.nawroth@tum.de


Chair of Biological Imaging

PhD student (f/m/d) protein engineering in the context of optical imaging

We are now looking for a highly qualified and motivated protein biochemist PhD student (f/m/d) with a background and passion for protein engineering who also does not shy away from technical equipment

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Kontakt: andre.stiel@tum.de

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich Rührreibschweißen für den Flüssigwasserstofftransport

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich "Rührreibschweißen für den Flüssigwasserstofftransport".
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Kontakt: Martina.Sigl@iwb.tum.de

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) in den Bereichen Batterieproduktion und Fügetechnik

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich "Innovative High-Performance-Batteriezellen durch das Mikro- Rührreibschweißen".
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Kontakt: Martina.Sigl@iwb.tum.de

Post-doc (f/m/d) on engineering fluorescent proteins and bacteria based materials optoelectronics

The Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials (BFM) at the Technische Universität München (TUM) is looking for a new member! The successful candidate will be offered a 2-year contract with the possibility of further extensions. We offer a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and seniority in accordance with the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Freistaates Bayern - TV-L E13 (100%).
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rubén Costa - Email: biofunmat@cs.tum.de. Please indicate only “Post-doc-FP-Ba” in the subject line.

Post-doc (f/m/d) on biopolymers for optoelectronics

The candidate will learn and live the translational perspective of designing biomaterials for sustainable energy-related applications every day. The successful candidate will be offered a 2-year contract with the possibility of further extensions. We offer a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and seniority in accordance with the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Freistaates Bayern - TV-L E13 (100%).
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rubén D. costa - Email: biofunmat@cs.tum.de. Please indicate only “Post-doc-Bio-P” in the subject line.

PhD student (f/m/d) on fluorescent protein engineering for optoelectronics

The candidate will learn and live the translational perspective of designing biomaterials for sustainable energy-related applications every day. The successful candidate will be offered a 3-year contract with the possibility of an extension of up to 1 year. We offer a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and seniority in accordance with the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Freistaates Bayern - TV-L E13 (50-65%).
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rubén Costa - Email: biofunmat@cs.tum.de. Please indicate only “PhD-FP” in the subject line

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