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Wissenschaftliches Personal an der TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
An der TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology der Technischen Universität München suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)
In Teilzeit (50 %, E13 TVL, befristet für 3 Jahre) für das TUMKolleg.
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Kontakt: sekretariat.dichem@sot.tum.de, Prof. Dr. Jenna Koenen, Professur für Didaktik der Chemie
Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in Molecular Crop Physiology
The Bienert Lab is part of the TUM School of Life Sciences of the Technical University of Munich located in Freising-Weihenstephan. The main objective of the research group ‘Crop Physiology’ is to understand the physiology of plants down to the structure and function of genes and proteins. Thereby, relevant mechanisms are identified, which allow optimizing biotechnologically and agriculturally important quality and yield traits and allow the generation of crops, which are beneficial for the society in terms of foodsecurity (improved plant performance and stress tolerance) and foodsafety (generation of healthier food). We focus in particular on molecular metalloid- and water efficiency mechanisms in roots and flowers of oilseed rape, maize and Arabidopsis
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Kontakt: patrick.bienert@tum.de
Promotionsstelle (m/w/d) – Systems & Software Engineering für das Auto der Zukunft
Der Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme der Technischen Universität München bietet eine Promotionsstelle (m/w/d) im Themengebiet "Systems & Software Engineering für das Auto der Zukunft".
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Kontakt: Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme, Herr Sven Kirchner, Boltzmannstraße 3, 81377 München Kontakt: sven.kirchner@tum.de
Postdoctoral position (m/f/d) grasslands and livestock
The Livestock Systems research group at the TUM School of Life Sciences is recruiting a postdoctoral
researcher (m/f/d) to work on grassland restoration. The aim of our group is to improve the
understanding of the trade-offs between production, mitigation and conservation in livestock-based
systems, and to identify innovative mechanisms for landscape-level management.
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Kontakt: office.lsys@ls.tum.de
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) für Vitaminanalytik
Der Lehrstuhl für Analytische Lebensmittelchemie der Technischen Universität München bietet ab sofort die Möglichkeit der Promotion auf dem Gebiet der Analytik und Bioverfügbarkeit von Folaten (Vitamin B9).
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Kontakt: michael.rychlik@tum.de
Autonomous Vehicles Scientist (m/w/d) for AI based Control Center
You want to influence future technologies with your own ideas? You want to work in a team on the challenges of autonomous driving and bring autonomous driving to the road? Then this position is just right for you!
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Kontakt: Dr. Frank Diermeyer
Autonomous Vehicles Scientist (m/w/d) for Resilient and Teleoperated Vehicles
You want to influence future technologies with your own ideas? You want to work in a team on the challenges of autonomous driving and bring autonomous driving to the road? Then this position is just right for you!
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Kontakt: Dr.-Ing. Frank Diermeyer
Autonomous Vehicles Scientist (m/w/d) for Teleoperated Level 4 Vehicles on Public Roads
You want to influence future technologies with your own ideas? You want to work in a team on the challenges of autonomous driving and bring autonomous driving to the road? Then this position is just right for you!
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Kontakt: Dr. Frank Diermeyer
Postdoctoral Scientist (m/f/d) in the Autonomous Vehicle Lab
You want to influence future technologies with your own ideas? You want to work in a team on the challenges of autonomous driving and bring autonomous driving to the road? Then this position is just right for you!
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Kontakt: Phillip Karle | phillip.karle@tum.de < 089 289 15898
Postdoctoral Scientist (m/w/d) im Autonomous Vehicle Lab
Du möchtest zukünftige Technologien mit Deinen eigenen Ideen beeinflussen? Du möchtest in einem Team an den Herausforderungen des autonomen Fahrens arbeiten und autonomes Fahren auf die Straße zu bringen? Dann ist diese Stelle genau das Richtige für Dich!
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Kontakt: Phillip Karle | phillip.karle@tum.de | 089 289 15898