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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


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Sitemap > First Login to portal.myTUM.de > Manual for registration of staff

9 steps for employees to access the portal

Detailed information on the first log-in is obtainable via http://portal.mytum.de/erstlogin/

How to proceed

  1. Your MWNID number
    • a) For staff with a regular employment contract:

      Please have your so-called MWNID (Munich academic network identification No. - Münchner Wissenschaftsnetzidentifikationsnummer) ready. You have already received your MWNID number and your preliminary password by post (or together with your employment documents).

    • For staff without an employment contract, guests, scholarship holders:

      You can obtain guest access via the IT Service Desk.

  2. Contact your UnivIS officer so that he/she can enter the MWNID No. in the UnivIS (web-supported) course catalogue.

    You will find the UnivIS officer responsible at http://www.lsf.tum.de/UnivIS/help/fakbeauf.html

  3. Your UnivIS officer will notify you when your MWNID No. has been entered in the UnivIS course catalogue.

  4. Allow about one day between the completion of the UnivIS entry and your first log-in attempt. Click on Login in the Portal or go directly to http://portal.mytum.de/login_form

  5. Type on your MWNID No. and your preliminary password and click on "Register" (Anmelden).

  6. Add your gender and date of birth under "Personal settings" (Persönliche Einstellungen).

  7. Change your password. Enter a security question and the corresponding answer (in case you ever forget the password).

  8. You will find your user ID, which you will need in future (as your username) in order to log in, under "Mail address". It always takes the form of name@mytum.de. (You can alter the name part, if you wish).

  9. Click on "Save" (Speichern): your portal account is now set up and ready to use.

  10. Note: For information on how to set up your @tum.de mail address please go to http://portal.mytum.de/erstlogin/benutzerkennung_htm

contact: TUM Service Desk: it-support@tum.de

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