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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Privacy And Data Security

Over the online preference-menu ('Personal Preferences') you can change the personal information stored on you in the myTUM-portal. You can also select which data can be accessed by which group of people. For students, some of the personal information is provided by the central student-administration. For employees, this data is provided by the UnivIS-system and SAP-HR (via the IntegraTUM directory). The data is stored in a central directory. These informations are normally only accessible to you and the administration. Depending on the UnivIS settings, some information on employees might be public.

On grounds of the right for 'informational self-governance' you may decide any time which of your personal information is accessible to which group of persons. Under 'Personal Preferences' – 'Data Sharing' you can decide for every information if it is to be public, students-only, employees-only or private. These settings apply also to other applications drawing on the central filesystem, like the online person-register or the webmailer addressbook.

The only exception from these settings is your complete name on message board posts and other material published over the MyTUM portal. A posting on the message boards is always signed with your full name, regardless if you have made your name public or not. If you don't want to make your name public, don't post on the message boards. If you just read them, your name will of course not be visible anywhere.

Some further remarks regarding data privacy

The stored data of our users will be accessible to other users only as described above. An inspection of person-related material and traffic can be held only with your explicit consent. The only exceptions are necessary maintenance works and to pursue violations of the user agreement or the law. Some anonymized data is also used for system-improvement.

The data is stored in a directory provided by the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum. Person-related data will not be passed on to other institutions outside the TUM or persons without your explicit consent. With appoval of the data protection officer of TUM master data (name, affiliation etc.) may be passed on to other systems inside TUM.

The system Zope@TUM uses cookies. These are used only to store temporary data and will not be analyzed in any way.

Unfortunately there is always a small risk that security can be undermined (for example by a software error). In this case, information or message board postings you put into the system could become accessible to non-authorized persons. Please consider this when you enter information/post on the boards.

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