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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Learning to Learn: Learning@TUM for Students

Optimize your own learning process, in short: learning to learn. This is the main prerequisite for a successful education in science. The department for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at TUM -ProLEHRE- offers all students an interdisciplinary program during the summer term 2011 to help support and promote their learning skills.

In a series of workshops, participants can become familiar with their individual learning styles, improve their learning processes and try out suitable learning techniques for their studies. Dates with available places:

  • "Self-organized learning", June 20 in Garching, July 6 in Weihenstephan
  • "Time management for studies", June 16 on Main Campus
  • "Guaranteed successful learning" according to the method of best-selling author Chris Grüning, July 13 in Munich, July 15 in Garching

Office hours

During office hours, students can receive suggestions and ideas for their learning process in their academic studies: Do you have specific questions about learning goals in the present semester? Do you want to try out new learning methods? Or are you uncertain as to how you should approach lecture notes?

  • Garching consultation hours: Thursday, June 9, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Main Campus consultation hours: Thursday, June 10, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Please note, that the workshops will be held in German. For information and advice in English, please come to the office hours.
Registration, course updates and other information: www.prolehre.tum.de/learning.

Contact: Beate Dallmeier, ProLEHRE/Carl von Linde-Akademie, Tel. (089) 289-25373, E-Mail: dallmeier@prolehre.tum.de

Further news:
From Bachelor to Master: "Aptitude is the Decisive Factor"
Central Contact Point: New Service Desk in Student Service Center
Now ready for use: @tum.de E-mail Addresses with Exchange 2010
Don't Miss! Deadlines, Events and Competitions
The Neutron Source in Garching: Open for Scientists and Visitors


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