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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Technische Universität München am Sunday, 07.11.2021

Studierenden- und Mitarbeiterportal der Technische Universität München

Sunday, 07.11.2021


Science Hack - 2021-II - last day to register

The TUM: Science Hackathon is hosted by TUM: Junge Akademie and is your chance to collaborate with other students (Bachelor, Master, and PhD) from all universities of Munich (TUM, LMU, HM, HFF, HMTM and ADBK) as well as from the five EuroTeQ university partners (TUM, DTU, TU/e, l'X, CTU, TalTech), who are interested in working on problems related to contemporary scientific issues and modern-day technologies.

Peter Finger

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