Technische Universität München am Wednesday, 09.12.2020
Mittwoch, 09.12.2020
jeden Tag, 11:45 - 14:15
English Courses for Staff: English in the Office
Level – Intermediate: How to conduct meetings, write emails, discuss interaction with students and administrative organization, and other topics of interest for those who would like to practice their English in a small group. Participants should bring samples of their work tasks to class!
Jennifer Balton-Stier
09.11.2020, 17:30 - 25.01.2021, 17:30
Von der Erfindung zum Patent
Überfakultäre Vorlesung | Praxisorientierte Einführung in den gewerblichen Rechtsschutz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Hochschulerfindungen
Dr. Philipp Merkl (
09.12.2020, 13:30 - 14:30
Driving Despite Impairments - Driving Ability of Drivers with Visual Field Loss in On-Road Studies
With demographic change, an increasing number of people is excluded from driving due to physical or cognitive limitations. While impairments like visual deficits can have a great impact on driving safety and performance, the development of automated vehicles offers the potential of including such non-drivers in road traffic in the future. With an international composition of renowned scientists, this weekly webinar sheds light on manual and automated driving for visually impaired users in front of the background of psychology, ophthalmology, computer science and sociology. Further information on the individual lectures can be found under the connected URL.
Bianca Biebl (
09.12.2020, 17:00 - 18:00
Potenzialanalye und Profilbildung
Alumni & Career