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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine

Veranstaltungen und Termine vom 25.09.2017 bis 01.10.2017

Übersicht über aktuelle Termine, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an der Technischen Universität München.

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Montag, 25.09.2017

25.09.2017, 16:00 - 17:00

Mit Bewerbungsschreiben überzeugen - Webinar

Das Anschreiben ist bei Ihrer Bewerbung Ihre Visitenkarte, Ihr erster Anknüpfungspunkt, der Aufhänger Ihrer gesamten Bewerbung. In diesem Webinar erhalten Sie Informationen zu Aufbau und Gestaltung eines guten Bewerbungsanschreibens und Tipps zu Do’s und Don’ts.


Katrin Schächinger

04.09.2017, 16:00 - 29.09.2017, 18:00

Pre-Study Course

The Pre-Study Course is a four week program for international Master students new to TUM that helps newcomers to get started at TUM. The program includes a German language course, practical support in organisational matters, workshops as well as many social and cultural events.

Isabell Fischer

Dienstag, 26.09.2017

26.09.2017, 18:00 - 18:45

Was macht denn ein/e ...? - Software Consultant - Webinar

Viele Berufsbezeichnungen hinterlassen ein großes Fragezeichen. Was verbirgt sich im Arbeitsalltag hinter all den schillernden Job-Titeln? Alumni der TUM lüften in einem ca. 45minütigen Online-Gespräch das Geheimnis und geben Studierenden und Promovierenden Einblicke in ihr spezielles Berufsbild.


Katrin Schächinger

04.09.2017, 16:00 - 29.09.2017, 18:00

Pre-Study Course

The Pre-Study Course is a four week program for international Master students new to TUM that helps newcomers to get started at TUM. The program includes a German language course, practical support in organisational matters, workshops as well as many social and cultural events.

Isabell Fischer

Mittwoch, 27.09.2017

04.09.2017, 16:00 - 29.09.2017, 18:00

Pre-Study Course

The Pre-Study Course is a four week program for international Master students new to TUM that helps newcomers to get started at TUM. The program includes a German language course, practical support in organisational matters, workshops as well as many social and cultural events.

Isabell Fischer

Donnerstag, 28.09.2017

28.09.2017, 17:15 - 18:15

Cysteine-rich receptor-like kinases are an evolutionarily diverse group of kinases and regulate ROS production and signaling.

Hörsaal 12, Biologikum, Weihenstephan

Dr. Stefanie Ranf

04.09.2017, 16:00 - 29.09.2017, 18:00

Pre-Study Course

The Pre-Study Course is a four week program for international Master students new to TUM that helps newcomers to get started at TUM. The program includes a German language course, practical support in organisational matters, workshops as well as many social and cultural events.

Isabell Fischer

Freitag, 29.09.2017

04.09.2017, 16:00 - 29.09.2017, 18:00

Pre-Study Course

The Pre-Study Course is a four week program for international Master students new to TUM that helps newcomers to get started at TUM. The program includes a German language course, practical support in organisational matters, workshops as well as many social and cultural events.

Isabell Fischer