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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Nightline München: We listen!

It is not unusual for students to be beset by worries, problems and fears. The Nightline München is there to help. It is a helpline for students manned by student volunteers, which is available during the evening hours and at night-time. Anyone can call and talk in confidence about any matters that are troubling him or her, while remaining completely anonymous. No subject is too small or too banal.

“Typical topics” include problems connected with studies, fear of examinations, trouble in relationships or with one’s parents, flat-share stress or loneliness. And it is specifically at night-time, when friends and family are not available, that the Nightline provides an opportunity to talk about one’s problems – and these are not restricted to “typical” ones, either.

The telephone is manned by student volunteers who will offer support in the form of an open ear when nobody else is there to listen. Nobody has to mention their name. No problem is too trivial. Anybody is free to call the helpline and talk about everyday anxieties, in particular. Every call is treated as confidential; there is no need to give your name, course of studies or any other information.

The Nightline München is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Tel. No. is 089 / 3571 3571.

The Nightline München is also looking for motivated volunteer staff from all fields of study – not just those studying Psychology. All new recruits will be given training in conversation techniques. Anyone who is interested is invited to send an email to: muenchen@nightlines.eu.


Further news:
Excellence Initiative: TUM is the Entrepreneurial University
High teaching standards at TUM: New prizes award innovative teaching concepts
The LRZ in Garching: free antivirus software
Not to be missed! 2012 calendar, competition and lecture series
TUMSpotlight: The research brewery in Weihenstephan


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