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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Don't Miss! Deadlines, Events and Competitions

IKOM 2011

One of the largest career forums in Southern Germany is taking place from June 28-29 on the Garching Campus: IKOM, voluntarily organized by 85 students. Location: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is free! Students of business administration, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics and mechanical engineering can network with company representatives and thus jumpstart their careers. Individual job application training, lecture series, individual interviews and more will be offered. A total of 216 companies are represented in a range of sizes and from the various sectors.

Photo exhibition "My TUM - More than Science and Engineering"

Under the motto "My TUM - More than Science and Engineering," visiting students and researchers from abroad photographed and submitted their pictures for a competition. From June 26-30, the photos are on exhibit in the registration hall on the main campus. All students and staff members may participate in the vote either at the exhibition itself or online at www.fotowettbewerb-tum.de. The 12 best photos will be printed in the 2012 calendar of the International Office. Contact: fotowettbewerb@zv.tum.de

Dragon Boat Race on the Olympic Lake

16 paddlers and a drummer are needed to board a dragon boat on July 1 on the Olympic Lake. The Dragon boat race starts at 4:30 p.m.; the final starts at 8:15 p.m. followed by celebrations in the Theatron. Students can also participate! Awards will be given to the three fastest boats and the three teams with the most original costumes. Dragon boats are easy to paddle without training. They will be made on-site and come with an experienced coxswain. Registration: Alumni Club of the Faculty of Medicine, Mrs. Heppe, Tel. (089) 4140-4145, E-Mail: alumni@lrz.tum.de

Vote for MUTE: Cleantech Media Award 2011

To get a good ranking in the Cleantech Media Award 2011 competition, the TUM project MUTE requires as many online votes as possible. The award recognizes enthusiasm for green technologies and environmentally friendly thinking. MUTE is submitted in the mobility category. The project is TUM’s solution for marketable electric vehicles. The e-vehicle transports two people and luggage at up to 120km/h over 100km. Through weight reductions and increased efficiency, electric motors, batteries and vehicle structures can be made small and cheaply. Vote until June 15 at: www.cleantech-award.de

Further news:
From Bachelor to Master: "Aptitude is the Decisive Factor"
Central Contact Point: New Service Desk in Student Service Center
Now ready for use: @tum.de E-mail Addresses with Exchange 2010
Learning to Learn: Learning@TUM for Students
The Neutron Source in Garching: Open for Scientists and Visitors


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